Thursday, August 28, 2008

The 80/20 Rule - Getting More Out of the Top Performer

By Tara Scholl, Regional Services Director - CENTURY 21

You know them; they are the agents with the plaques on the walls and shelves lined with trophies. These are your Top Performers. The 80/20 Rule - 5 ways to get more from your Top Performer.

1. Hire an assistant – Top Performers don’t have time to shuffle paperwork! Insist they use a transaction coordinator or assistant. By having a transaction coordinator or assistant allows the Top Performer to use their time doing what they do best, being the front line person, prospecting, negotiating, listing and selling.

2. Use their knowledge at Company Rallies and or meetings. Top Performers love talking about what makes them successful; they motivate and give sound tips of advice to assist others in being successful as well. Have a Top Agent Panel at your next sales meeting with your Top Performers as your panel of experts.

3. Put them through MAP (Massive Action Plan) – even Top Performers can use a refresher on old tricks that work.

4. Share your business goals and plan with them. Top Performers understand business. You shouldn’t be surprised to know that they are interested in your success as well as their own. They want to be part of making the company successful.

5. Write a little note to them when they close an escrow or do something positive. They appreciate the thought and this reiterates that they are appreciated by you.

You CAN get more from your Top Performers, directly and indirectly!

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