Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pondering Flying Fish

I missed the gray whales migrating South from the Arctic to Mexico this year. I'm guessing it's because I was doing the traveling thing visiting all my brokers and agents. I'm a big fan of these gorgeous creatures and amazed at their grueling journey and tenaciousness. Do you know they swim for 55 days straight just to mate? Then head back again?

Goodness, don't know about you but ... I can't imagine swimming 55 days straight just to find Mr. Right only to say "Howdy Partner", turn around and swim another 55 days back. No, Cake? No, Dancing? No, Honeymoon? What's up with that? Got me to thinkin' how often we as business owners are unwilling to do the 'swim' or put in the work.

Okay, I'm not sure what made me think about that other than this silly video of Pike Place Market, in Seattle, WA, that Jon Sagrillo sent me. Look closely there are flying fish going over people's heads, including Adam Lerman. Adam and Jon are clearly more courageous than I. Me? I'd be afraid one of those smelly catfish would land on my head and get tangled in my perfectly coiffed hair. And wouldn't you know it I'd be heading south on the next Alaska Airlines flight and sit next to Mr. Handsome N. Right who no doubt would sniff the air in odd curiosity and decide to swim to San Diego instead!

Watch the video ... maybe it will stimulate equally interesting thoughts for you.

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