Friday, October 3, 2008

House Trading

For some time now, I've been talking and writing about a trend I believe is coming and possibly even upon us: House Trading.

Clearly, the baby boomer's life is changing. Many are looking to simplify and downsize. They desire to pass their assets to the next generation with the least amount of tax consequence and while still able to see the transfer. Right here in Rancho Santa Fe, CA about 3 months ago one of the largest house swaps took place; a home in Rancho Santa Fe for a home in Carlsbad.

Century 21 agents Suzy Sheppard and Doug Coward of Auckland's Albany (New Zealand) have recently 'swapped' over 20 homes for their clients. Sheppard said it was all about "matching people" who want to trade up or down and in particular areas. Read: Trading Places Article

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