Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Behold the Accountability Meeting

By Tara Scholl
This is just one duty of Agent Development. Having a private office and the title Manager are wonderful perks of the position but do you really understand what you signed up for? Engage, plan, align and achieve are your real responsibilities.

man·ag·er [man-i-jer] –noun

1. a person who has control or direction of an institution business, etc., or of a part, division, or phase of it.

2. a person who manages: the manager of our track team

Accountability is a huge part of your management responsibilities. It is probably the least liked from my experience with managers. For some it comes naturally and for some it's like a trip to the dentist chair. It is critical that you embrace it as part of your daily routine. Believe it or not, your agents appreciate your efforts to hold them accountable whether they tell you so or not. I guarantee you will see production results not to mention the loyalty factor that naturally follows.

Century 21 has several tools that can assist you in your efforts put an accountability plan in place. PEP, a Production Enhancement Program. This FREE program has the forms, instructions and Q&A to execute an accountability plan. MAP, Massive Action Planning. A little less stringent on a managers time table because you have the assistance of a coach but this program is sure to boost your agent's production and gets you involved in process.

Managing is not an easy task. You wear many hats but remember what your true focus is and make the time to fit it in.

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