Tuesday, September 16, 2008

20 Skills to be a Great Coach

A look at the psychology of sports performance offers great insight into the science of coaching agents to becoming top performers. Resource: Doc's Head Games
  1. Ability to instill belief/trust/confidence - self-efficacy
  2. Big Vision, balanced by ability to set and adjust goals - goal setting and extrinsic motivation
  3. Care about others more than self - cohesion
  4. Perseverance and a sense of humor - personality
  5. Attention to skills development of agents; tailored to agents needs - attentional zones
  6. Precise training techniques and coaching on a daily basis - attentional zones and flow
  7. Ability to filter - attentional zones
  8. Problem solving orientation - decision making
  9. Ability to observe without judgment - perspective taking

More Skills >>>>>

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