Friday, September 12, 2008

Blogging Webinar

Just finished yet another great FREE Internet Marketing Webinar for California and Hawaii CENTURY 21, brokers, managers and agents. Blogging is a fabulous tool for differientating yourself. Do you know the National Association of Realtors (NAR) says less than 4% of agents are using blogging?

Blogging is consumer centric and used to develop a relationship and credibility. This class demonstrated the importance of determining your niche market and aligning your interests, skills and expertise with your future client's needs and values.

I'm hearing rumblings of one of our large CENTURY 21 offices ready to launch a blog dedicated specifically to recruiting. Bravo CENTURY 21 Award-Superstars. Sara Jackson, Linda Wise and Martha Burgoon ... I'm looking forward to hearing your stories and results.

By the way, thank you for sharing your YouTube videos. I'd like to post some of them on these blogs with your permission ... so let me know it's okay. Already Blogging? Want to share with others ... give us your blog address and I'll post it for others!

Reasons for Blogging:

  • Branding - how to be a brand within a brand
  • Communication
  • Lead Generation
  • Building meaningful relationships - isn't that what Real Estate is about?
  • Demonstrate your expertise
  • Niche Marketing -- wow, is this a subject I could go on and on about!

In this Blogging Webinar I shared:

  • Blogging Platforms
  • Suggested Niche Markets -- okay, don't get me going on niche marketing!
  • Ways to Find, Collaborate and/or Write Articles -- not a writer ... not problem
  • Adding Video, Photos, Listing and Links - you did come to our YouTube Webinar, right?
  • How to Get Visitors to Your Blog
  • Sample Blogs Using Niche Marketing

Next Internet Marketing Webinar is October 3rd, 2008 at 1:00 PDT. Let me show you some kick-butt ways using the Internet to promote your Open Houses for October Open House Month.

Missed the Blogging Webinar on September 3rd, 2008? View the Power Point:

Upcoming Technology and Open House Webinar

Join us on Friday, October 3rd at 1:00pm Pacific Time.

Register now by clicking here.

Make sure you say howdy and thank you to Alia Buttar, Tricia Andrade and Michelle Skipper for being the brain children behind this West Zone Internet Marketing Webinar Series!

Email: or

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