Friday, September 12, 2008

Stop Spraying and Praying

I don't profess to be a marketing guru, especially when compared to Jack Gettles, regional marketing director in the Pacific Northwest, however I think I learned something at Lake Chalen, Manager Retreat this week. You don't have to hit me over the head with a Wiffel ball bat ... I'm a quick study.

Here's what I learned in case you wanna know. When creating your marketing plan STOP SPRAYING AND PRAYING. Wow, think about all the money we can save but just following this simple rule!

Why would we want to throw good seeds (money, time, expertise and resources) unto rocky and barren soil? That's how my father a long-time missionary would explain it. Want a bountiful harvest of new business? Then, plant your marketing dollars in fertile soil and give your targeted future home buyers the attention they need to grow into clients.

My Italian friend Dorothy Crisci from CENTURY 21 Carole Realty would say it's like throwing spagetti to the ceiling .. when it sticks it's done cookin'. By the way, Dorothy is not only a great cook, she's a top producer, maybe we should ask her about things other than cooking.

Here's a link to Jack Gettles', PRESENTATION.

Some other cool things Jack talked about:

  • First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit Sales Tools

  • National Response Center

  • October Open House Month

  • IDX

  • Creating a Marketing Plan

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