Monday, September 15, 2008

Goal Orientation and Performance

I'm obsessed with understanding human behavior and potential. In doing some research on procrastination and performance I came across an interesting article about what factors influence the types of goals we set? In summary:

First - Individuals who have an interest in a topic or task are more likely to persist, be emotionally involved and focus their attention more easily on the task.

Second -There are two primary Goal Orientations.

A) Mastery Goal Orientation (MGO), otherwise known as a Learning Orientation, and

B) Performance Orientation (PGO), sometimes called Ego Orientation.

The two orientations contrast in fundamental ways. Mastery-oriented individuals seek to develop their competence and improve their abilities. In contrast, Performance-oriented individuals seek to demonstrate their competence and/or avoid revealing their incompetence.

Furthermore, some psychologists also add an approach vs. avoidance dimension to the Performance Orientation, such that Performance-Approach people seek to demonstrate competence, and, not surprisingly, Performance-Avoidance people seek to avoid revealing incompetence.

I loved this article because it is in clear alignment with My-Noodle franchisee-franchisor compatibility and performance indicator software. We'll talk more about My-Noodle assessment in another blog. Suffice it to say the Performance-Approach and Performance-Avoidance are measured within the My-Noodle assessment.

Here is the link to the article on goal orientation from a Psychology Today blog written by Timothy A. Pychyl, Ph.D.

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